The wisdom that our bodies hold, continuously amazes me.
Unfortunately the fast pace in which we are accustomed to living our modern, busy lives, often means that we ignore or override the messages and signals our body is communicating.
As an antidote to this, I’m curious about what can happen when we allow ourselves to really slow down, to rest. What happens when we do less? When we let go of needing to achieve or progress or evolve or improve. What happens when we allow ourselves to simply be?
I guide simple, restful practices that invite you to meet yourself exactly where you’re at in this moment, welcoming the entire spectrum of our beautiful yet often wild and messy human experience. I believe that through intentionally slowing down and tuning in, we can begin to let the innate wisdom of the body be heard and from there, we can tend to ourselves in really beautiful ways.
Below are some of the practices I guide, perhaps you’ll feel called to join me.
Love, Polly